This Map shows the Café stops we use, with opening times, contact details and links to Routes. Ride Leaders might find this useful when planning a ride for a particular distance or wind direction.
Scroll to zoom in and out, or open the Map in to full screen mode and click on a coffee cup for more information about the Café.
If you know the name of the Café, click on the Slide icon at the top left corner of the Map and select the Café from the dropdown list
If the Café information includes a 'Routes' section and link, click on this to display all the Routes on the SWCC Route Library which visit this Café. Each of the listed Routes will contain a link to the Route itself, which is stored on the 'Ride with GPS' platform. When choosing a Route, don't forget to check one.network for potential road closures.
Please let the Web Administrator know if any of the Café information needs to be updated, to suggest any further details which might be useful to include, to add a new Café stop or to suggest a new Route for the SWCC Route Library.
Scroll to zoom in and out, or open the Map in to full screen mode and click on a coffee cup for more information about the Café.
If you know the name of the Café, click on the Slide icon at the top left corner of the Map and select the Café from the dropdown list
If the Café information includes a 'Routes' section and link, click on this to display all the Routes on the SWCC Route Library which visit this Café. Each of the listed Routes will contain a link to the Route itself, which is stored on the 'Ride with GPS' platform. When choosing a Route, don't forget to check one.network for potential road closures.
Please let the Web Administrator know if any of the Café information needs to be updated, to suggest any further details which might be useful to include, to add a new Café stop or to suggest a new Route for the SWCC Route Library.